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Book Review: Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn

This next book review is another self-published one. After Morgan Rice, I was afraid to ever read another self-published book, but this one was much better. That's not saying much, compared to my review of A Quest Of Heroes, but still. Unenchanted is Book One in a YA series called An Unfortunate Fairy Tale. The concept is, admittedly, pretty cool: a teenaged girl finds out that she is a descendent of the brothers Grimm and must live out every one of the Grimm fairy tales, surviving all the dangers they bring with them, or the fairy tale curse will fall to her very young brother. There is a lot of potential with this idea. And it was realized. Kind of. A little bit. Okay, there were prblems.
First of all, the main character, Mina, is annoying. I get that she is an insecure teenager, but she is constantly throwing a pity party. It gets old. Also, her romance with a popular boy in school isn't easy to get into. It's overly cliché, and that makes sense because it's part of the fairy tale that her life is turning into, but I guess the character himself just wasn't interesting or developed at all. It made the romance uninteresting too. I also wish the book had faster pacing. By the end of it, she only gets through three fairy tales, I think, and she supposedly has hundreds to complete. Definitely could have used more action.
Overall, though, an entertaining read, especially for preteens and younger teens. The prose isn't bad either. Perhaps the concept is expanded and the characters and story better developed as the series goes on. I hope so, but I don't plan to read the other books. The first one was free, but the others are not.


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